877782 Backdoor Boyz(100) 313301 Tung On(23) 304025 Mo Ming Pai(19) 285584 Chinatown Dragons(56) 273136 Hip Sing Triad(7) 259981 Watchers(39) 214090 Draconas(73) 200849 City Centre Churches(94) 141600 Black Rose Gang(12) 137356 On Leong(3) 107416 bloodlust(93) 106567 The Homies(16) 104251 The many coloured land(77) 79012 Flying Dragons(71) 77120 The Pipers(49) 72577 peace(95) 70965 mrwrong(31) 70723 ThaiFhai(53) 69583 mokosica(42) 69370 Velshroon(18) 68769 Supradudes(47) 68724 Grove St. Families(72) 67651 hoover_crips(91) 66653 babyblue(75) 66488 Rocking rockers(59) 65342 Slayers(96) 64525 Jets(32) 62791 Street busters(60) 61342 bentel1(54) 58671 The Game(57) 56882 devl(36) 56708 Shorty(58) 53560 Sin(52) 50782 Pell Street Dragons(43) 40774 Bayard Street Boys(85) 40577 k69(6) 28902 PLmuthaphucka(50) 27619 IronNuts(28) 10387 Fuk Ching(14) 7178 Chinatown Gangsters(41) 5552 Born To Kill(67) 4812 White Eagles(34) 2145 Snakes(30) 1793 Fen Shui(35) 516 Greatclanoffire(8)
206 Flying Dragons(71) 152 Mo Ming Pai(19) 137 The many coloured land(77) 125 Hip Sing Triad(7) 82 Ghost Shadows(92) 76 On Leong(3) 70 Chinatown Gangsters(41) 69 Pell Street Dragons(43) Chinatown Dragons(56) 55 Fuk Ching(14) 42 Tung On(23) 36 Born To Kill(67) White Eagles(34) 35 Backdoor Boyz(100) 31 Black Rose Gang(12) 24 Bayard Street Boys(85) 14 Snakes(30) 8 Greatclanoffire(8) 5 City Centre Churches(94) PLmuthaphucka(50) Draconas(73) 4 The Homies(16) Watchers(39) 3 Fen Shui(35) 2 bloodlust(93) 1 Jets(32) The Pipers(49) The Game(57) Grove St. Families(72) k69(6) Velshroon(18) devl(36) Sin(52) Shorty(58) babyblue(75) mokosica(42) ThaiFhai(53) Rocking rockers(59) peace(95) IronNuts(28) mrwrong(31) Supradudes(47) bentel1(54) Street busters(60) hoover_crips(91) Slayers(96)
541030 Mo Ming Pai(19) 486920 Flying Dragons(71) 479560 Hip Sing Triad(7) 399890 Pell Street Dragons(43) 332850 Chinatown Dragons(56) 256190 On Leong(3) 203760 Ghost Shadows(92) 202180 Fuk Ching(14) 193320 Chinatown Gangsters(41) 161140 Tung On(23) 127820 Black Rose Gang(12) 120590 White Eagles(34) 101320 Bayard Street Boys(85) 78940 Born To Kill(67) 63870 Backdoor Boyz(100) 35460 The many coloured land(77) 30680 Snakes(30) 26300 PLmuthaphucka(50) 23730 Draconas(73) 23540 City Centre Churches(94) 19760 Street busters(60) 19000 The Homies(16) 18170 Watchers(39) 17630 Greatclanoffire(8) 16130 IronNuts(28) 15060 k69(6) 14660 mrwrong(31) 14590 The Game(57) 14490 Shorty(58) 14450 Fen Shui(35) 14120 babyblue(75) 14020 bentel1(54) 14010 Sin(52) 14000 Grove St. Families(72) hoover_crips(91) 13960 Rocking rockers(59) 13840 Jets(32) 13590 peace(95) 13510 mokosica(42) 13500 Slayers(96) 13480 devl(36) 13380 bloodlust(93) 13350 Velshroon(18) 13300 ThaiFhai(53) 13230 Supradudes(47) 12910 The Pipers(49)