5472702 Stoned Assassins(57) 3003120 Bang(22) 208226 TimeLords(41) 158889 Kelvin Grove Families(34) 77731 Nemisis(81) 77513 Da badd boyzz(92) 74105 AlmightyYoungGangstaz(93) 71588 the creek(37) 64459 Terry Valachi(39) 64124 palm harlem killas(8) 63170 MR. Z(87) 56819 OGLOC(36) 55895 Mafiosos(40) 24748 Hash(50) 20952 Super Mofo(24) 2162 hendo(38) 795 LOCOs(30)
914 Stoned Assassins(57) 344 Bang(22) 188 TimeLords(41) 169 Hash(50) 82 palm harlem killas(8) 67 Super Mofo(24) 19 LOCOs(30) 7 Kelvin Grove Families(34) 3 hendo(38) Mafiosos(40) 1 the creek(37) MR. Z(87) Da badd boyzz(92) Terry Valachi(39) AlmightyYoungGangstaz(93) OGLOC(36) Nemisis(81)
2898470 Stoned Assassins(57) 329010 Bang(22) 291480 Hash(50) 134740 TimeLords(41) 119640 palm harlem killas(8) 92400 Super Mofo(24) 62050 Kelvin Grove Families(34) 46690 LOCOs(30) 30600 hendo(38) 19470 Mafiosos(40) 14530 MR. Z(87) 13950 OGLOC(36) 13760 Da badd boyzz(92) 13650 the creek(37) 13640 AlmightyYoungGangstaz(93) 13530 Terry Valachi(39) 13190 Nemisis(81)