5043003 BigB(39) 2154552 Blobby(14) 1449954 Hellboys(42) 457679 Bad Boys(63) 373339 Merovingians(98) 249343 Monsters(81) 121890 the brothel(69) 95787 Se7en(87) 80074 Killers(29) 77027 Azurelian(66) 71794 paintbatballas(21) 70633 DiamondBacks(67) 67924 the warriors(72) 60070 Doom Paladins(1) 21379 hackney crew(50) 19273 Doctor Jest(51)
700 Hellboys(42) 453 BigB(39) 431 Doctor Jest(51) 117 Blobby(14) 43 hackney crew(50) 15 Merovingians(98) 7 Bad Boys(63) 2 the brothel(69) 1 paintbatballas(21) DiamondBacks(67) Azurelian(66) Killers(29) Se7en(87) the warriors(72) Monsters(81) Doom Paladins(1)
1695750 Hellboys(42) 1641820 Doctor Jest(51) 1533270 BigB(39) 115200 hackney crew(50) 52660 Blobby(14) 41460 Azurelian(66) 14690 Doom Paladins(1) 13910 paintbatballas(21) the warriors(72) 13580 DiamondBacks(67) 13070 Killers(29) 3450 Merovingians(98) 3220 Se7en(87) 2560 the brothel(69)