6666146 The Deathblades(13) 2199897 Slash(47) 83907 Hak(44) 77600 killers(45) 69490 labratts(25) 69393 Italian Job(39) 66998 rome_street(49) 64136 Shrewton Crew(19) 62943 duice(9) 61504 samuel(29) 57082 Dark Clowns(46)
909 The Deathblades(13) 725 Slash(47) 41 Hak(44) 1 duice(9) samuel(29) Dark Clowns(46) Italian Job(39) rome_street(49) Shrewton Crew(19) labratts(25) killers(45)
4139510 The Deathblades(13) 1685100 Slash(47) 22660 Hak(44) 14940 Dark Clowns(46) 14730 rome_street(49) 13940 duice(9) 13660 Italian Job(39) 13630 samuel(29) 13500 Shrewton Crew(19) 13430 labratts(25) killers(45)