3109313 Crusty French Bastards(54) 210880 the kiven(39) 134681 Evil Guy 666(3) 89314 eiboon(20) 76403 possekillers(22) 75870 jdigz hataz(32) 73548 E.D.P.(18) 70875 The Black Eyes Mafia(26) 69896 shmitz(42) 69115 crazy land(23) 68708 DA Mobsters(19) 68434 Mighty Mohawks(11) 68203 DIE(24) 67101 BWC_Viper(6) 66960 Urban Decay(47) 65376 funnie gang(10) 62537 Ganga(34) 61499 Tisenu(2) 58204 Slashers(4) 58059 Imperials(48) 56853 Gang(31) 56743 Vincent345(25) 36711 Jokers Rajin(17) 15343 Storm(28) 14194 realthugz(12) 2645 The Faroese Mafia(33) 876 the hades disiples(5)
502 Crusty French Bastards(54) 107 Storm(28) 31 Jokers Rajin(17) 22 the kiven(39) 7 Evil Guy 666(3) 6 The Faroese Mafia(33) 4 the hades disiples(5) 3 realthugz(12) 1 Tisenu(2) Slashers(4) BWC_Viper(6) funnie gang(10) Mighty Mohawks(11) E.D.P.(18) DA Mobsters(19) eiboon(20) possekillers(22) crazy land(23) DIE(24) Vincent345(25) The Black Eyes Mafia(26) Gang(31) jdigz hataz(32) Ganga(34) shmitz(42) Urban Decay(47) Imperials(48)
1650520 Crusty French Bastards(54) 140880 Jokers Rajin(17) 81500 Storm(28) 65480 the kiven(39) 29210 realthugz(12) 27410 Gang(31) 20320 The Faroese Mafia(33) 18450 Mighty Mohawks(11) 16250 the hades disiples(5) 14380 BWC_Viper(6) 14280 Evil Guy 666(3) 14090 Imperials(48) 14060 DA Mobsters(19) 14000 Tisenu(2) 13960 Ganga(34) 13880 funnie gang(10) 13870 Slashers(4) 13630 Vincent345(25) 13620 E.D.P.(18) 13550 DIE(24) 13500 jdigz hataz(32) 13400 The Black Eyes Mafia(26) 13320 shmitz(42) 13210 crazy land(23) 12910 Urban Decay(47) 12630 possekillers(22) 12160 eiboon(20)