1506779 Azure Draco(32) 605490 Andreas(50) 418484 The Zombie(47) 214635 redrover(42) 38043 -- Computer Controlled --(73) 37240 Rage(2) 37237 -- Computer Controlled --(79) 27976 sm805gang(30) 19659 -- Computer Controlled --(99) 19472 L Shardik(39) 18424 -- Computer Controlled --(59) 17501 ThAnOoBs(71) 17404 kilo(29) 16834 WhitePride(49) 16611 -- Computer Controlled --(51) 15585 -- Computer Controlled --(100) 15530 Romperstomper(63) 11562 -- Computer Controlled --(44) 10765 goodwin(74) 7157 -- Computer Controlled --(60) 6557 THE NIKI MOS(72) 6124 aGe(61) 5419 Bud Smokerz(34) 5417 Blood Brothers(70) 4487 Gurren(43) 4396 stormfire(19) 3731 -- Computer Controlled --(80) 3535 -- Computer Controlled --(64) 3333 -- Computer Controlled --(89) 2258 Druids(33) 1962 Yarbrough crip(40) 1786 dumpers(9) 1503 -- Computer Controlled --(62) 1450 Almighty Brotherhood(52) 1405 Guggaloz(10) 1374 -- Computer Controlled --(69) 1150 -- Computer Controlled --(90) 588 yo yo yo(20) 469 Fivepoints(54) 300 Cherry Girls(1) 200 Ritous(3)
1056 The Zombie(47) 146 Rage(2) 119 Azure Draco(32) 43 dumpers(9) 29 Andreas(50) 21 Gurren(43) 13 Druids(33) 3 redrover(42) 1 kilo(29) L Shardik(39) -- Computer Controlled --(44) Fivepoints(54) -- Computer Controlled --(62) Blood Brothers(70) goodwin(74) -- Computer Controlled --(90) stormfire(19) sm805gang(30) Yarbrough crip(40) WhitePride(49) -- Computer Controlled --(59) Romperstomper(63) ThAnOoBs(71) -- Computer Controlled --(79) -- Computer Controlled --(99) yo yo yo(20) -- Computer Controlled --(51) -- Computer Controlled --(60) -- Computer Controlled --(64) THE NIKI MOS(72) -- Computer Controlled --(80) -- Computer Controlled --(100) Guggaloz(10) Bud Smokerz(34) Almighty Brotherhood(52) aGe(61) -- Computer Controlled --(69) -- Computer Controlled --(73) -- Computer Controlled --(89)
6186890 The Zombie(47) 775400 Rage(2) 387530 Azure Draco(32) 153750 dumpers(9) 97320 Andreas(50) 82590 Gurren(43) 25110 Guggaloz(10) 24950 THE NIKI MOS(72) 24750 -- Computer Controlled --(60) 24740 -- Computer Controlled --(80) 24600 Blood Brothers(70) 24480 goodwin(74) 24440 WhitePride(49) 24370 -- Computer Controlled --(59) 24240 -- Computer Controlled --(89) 24220 aGe(61) 24140 Bud Smokerz(34) 24110 L Shardik(39) 24090 -- Computer Controlled --(51) 24050 -- Computer Controlled --(100) 23930 -- Computer Controlled --(44) 23910 kilo(29) 23810 -- Computer Controlled --(69) 23580 sm805gang(30) 23300 -- Computer Controlled --(64) 23280 Romperstomper(63) 23180 ThAnOoBs(71) 23160 -- Computer Controlled --(99) 23110 -- Computer Controlled --(79) 23040 -- Computer Controlled --(73) 19800 -- Computer Controlled --(62) 19710 stormfire(19) 18750 Druids(33) 17350 Almighty Brotherhood(52) 15070 yo yo yo(20) 14640 Yarbrough crip(40) 13280 -- Computer Controlled --(90) 12760 redrover(42) 11910 Fivepoints(54)